Beijing Blues 2012

Beijing Blues


Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Beijing Blues

Plot Synopsis

Police officer Zhang Huiling, who patrols Haidian District's Shuangyushu neighborhood in Beijing, has a job to do. Every day, he patrols the streets with his cohort of security guards - who speak a bewildering array of accents from all over China - and track down and arrest thieves, hucksters, and con artists.

And he's good at it; after more than 10 years on the force, Zhang Huiling has an uncanny ability to sniff out criminals from within the throngs of people passing through his district. But Zhang can't help feeling that it's partly his fault that he's failing, somehow, because the crime and misery doesn't stop. In the depths of his spirit, the positive and negative forces in his life grapple, every day, every crime, every arrest, every bit of mercy and understanding renewing the endless battle for his soul.

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